Ultimate Security in Electronic Systems Using Secret Ciphers

The aim of this project is to build on the novel concept of secret ciphers to reach hitherto unattainable levels of security in electronic device instantiation, authentication and identification, as well as secure purchase, deployment, authentication and identification of devices, Intellectual Property (IP) cores, and electronic tokens on open networks. The project will demonstrate this on real Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) hardware, and will include the following tasks:

  • Development of true random number generators on FPGA hardware
  • Development of practical secret cipher architectures on FPGA hardware
  • Demonstration of the process of device instantiation, authentication and identification, as well as secure IP and electronic token distribution on open networks, using secret cipher protocols

Supervisor: Dr. Khaled Benkrid,
Collaborator: Prof. Wael Adi, Technical University of Braunschweig

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