Software Tools and Benchmarking for GP-GPU

The great commercial success of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) coupled with increasing programmability has led to a wider range of applications for these chips, well beyond graphics processing. Using GPUs for general purpose processing is now coined as GP-GPU, a field of study and research that is attracting a great deal of interest worldwide.

The aim of this theme is to develop compilers which parse domain-specific high level notations into efficient GPU C code, as well as explore the processing power of GPUs in general purpose computing through the implementation of a number of algorithms in biological sequence analysis, computational biology, financial computing and other applications on NVIDIA GPUs. The results of these implementations will be benchmarked against other hardware e.g. FPGA implementations of the same algorithms, as well as software implementations on standard desktop computers.

Selected Publications

Supervisor: Dr. Khaled Benkrid
Collaborator: Dr. Tsuyoshi Hamada, Nagasaki University

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